Underwater Egress Training


Beyond the regulations and the equipment on board, the purpose of this training is to become aware of the importance of our own preparation in the face of a possible overturning of an aircraft underwater.


Review of the phases and causes of drowning in cold water and prevention to maximize resistance time and survival expectancy. Review of regulatory and desirable protective equipment, techniques and procedures. Demystification about wearing a lifejacket, false beliefs and magical thinking, specialized and adapted equipment, behaviors that can really save your life. Students will have the opportunity to perform real life evacuations from a "dunker" escape pod.

This course is in two parts, one theoretical and the other practical. This course is ideally paired with and an extension of the one-day "Aviation Safety" course. These two courses are closely linked to the course "Survival after destruction of the means of transport".

List of topics

For more information

For more information or to register participants, contact CQFA at (514) 300-2732 ext. 0 or email us by clicking on the link below.