Cockpit/Crew Recourses Management


Complete online training for air operators to comply with the federal standard described in AC Advisory Circular 700-042. Transport Canada specifies that external training:


The CQFA theoretical GRE training includes the following modules:

Operators can meet the requirements of AC 700-042 by first deploying the CQFA online courses among their personnel. Second, they lead internal meetings on events that have occurred in their operations. The CQFA can support internal facilitators in their approach.

The AC 700-042 topics are covered online as follows:

Topics Initial Year 1 Year 2
Aviation Human Factors yes    
Threat & Error Management yes yes  
Communication yes   yes
Situational Awareness yes yes  
Stress and Operational Pressure yes   yes
Startle & Surprise yes    
Fatigue 703.98 (4) annual annual annual
Workload Management yes   yes
Assertive PM yes   yes
Decision Making yes yes  
Team Leadership yes   yes
Automation and Technology Management yes yes  
The Ideomotor Effet of Priming yes    

Cognitive Block and Unstable Approaches

Cognitive Ease and Unstable Approaches     yes
Case Study yes yes yes
Online Training Duration 7h00 2h30 3h00

Online training courses are asynchronous, they are followed at the pace of each learner, without a timetable, provided there is internet access (3G or wifi). They are updated every year and each learner's access lasts 180 days. The chief pilot or his delegate receives "cc" emails informing him of the progress of his personnel.

The CQFA provides a plan on MSWord that the operator can modify at will to submit to Transport Canada.

For more information or to book this program

For more information or to register participants, contact CQFA at (514) 300-2732 ext. 0 or email us by clicking on the link below.